Sunday, November 8, 2015

What are the ways an author has of telling us about a character, and how do we learn about the characters in Sense and Sensibility?

An author can create characterization through either
direct or indirect characterization.

direct characterization, the author comes right out and describes
the character, usually in the narrative. We especially see an example of Austen using direct
characterization in the opening chapter of Sense and Sensibility. Towards
the end of the chapter, Austen devotes a few paragraphs to describing Elinor, Marianne, and even
Mrs. Dashwood. She particularly describes Elinor as having "a strength of understanding, and
coolness of judgement, which qualified her, though only nineteen, to be the counsellor of her
mother" (Ch. 1). From this description, we see that Elinor is definitely the most sensible, most
calm and collected character of the story.

An author can also create
characterization through indirect characterization. Indirect
characterization is when the author "shows" what a character is like rather than "tells" us about
the character. An author can relay indirect characterization through the things a character says
and how the character speaks. Characterization can also be relayed through a character's
thoughts, feelings, and actions. Also, even how other characters respond to the one character in
question will tell us about the character. How the character effects other characters, what they
think of that character, whether or not other characters like or dislike the character, all help
show exactly what the character is like.

Austen's indirect
characterization techniques
are spread all throughout the book, but it can
sometimes help to focus on one particular scene when analyzing characterization. One good scene
for analyzing either Marianne's or Elinor's characterizations is the moment when Marianne learns
of Edward's secret engagement. For example, we see that Marianne's
upon learning that Elinor has known of Edward's engagement for four
months is to be absolutely shocked and bewildered by Elinor's
actions. With her own broken heart, she absolutely cannot understand how Elinor could have been
"so calm!--so cheerful!" and asks, "How have you been supported?" (Ch. 37). Marianne's initial
reaction shows us that, despite their differences in philosophies, Marianne is
of being influenced by her
sister's actions
. We also see in this scene that at first Marianne is incapable of
believing that Elinor could have felt the same amount of love for Edward that she feels for
Willoughby, but when Elinor explains her sense of duty, and that, had she not been sworn to
secrecy, she could have shown just as much grief as Marianne is showing, Marianne
feels absolutely ashamed
, saying, "You have made me hate myself for ever.--How
barbarous have I been to you!," showing us that Austen is characterizing
as being capable of understanding, sense, reason, and selfless love, even
though her drive to violently express her emotions makes her selfish at

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