Saturday, January 23, 2016

As seen in Frankenstein, describe how Victor runs from his laboratory. Thank you for everything; you are the best. ;)

The answer to this question is found in chapter five of
the novel. Victor has just succeeded in reanimating life, but he realizes when he "saw
the dull yellow eye of the creature open" that his creation is anything but an
accomplishment. Victor flees from the creature. Rushing to his room, Victor attempts to
"seek a few moments of forgetfulness," but, instead, he dreams of Elizabeth's death.
Once Victor awakens, he "beheld the wretch--the miserable monster whom [he]had created."
As the creature reaches out to Victor, Victor runs out of the room, down the stairs and
into the courtyard where he spends the rest of the night in turmoil. In the morning,
Victor meets his friend Clerval, momentarily forgetting his earlier horror. They return
to Victor's apartment. Victor pushes his door open to reveal an empty apartment--no
wretch. Victor welcomes Clerval into his home, and Victor's "flesh tingle[s] with excess
of sensitiveness, and my pulse beat rapidly." Victor's bizarre behavior alerts Clerval,
and Victor exclaims, "I thought I saw the dreaded spectre glide into the room; he can
tell. Oh, save me! Save me!" Overcome with grief and turmoil, Victor becomes ill and

 For further information,  you can read the
reference link below

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