Saturday, January 16, 2016

In act 1, scene 1 why do Iago, Roderigo, and Brabantio hate the man they are discussing?

The play begins in medias res with a conversation between
Iago and Roderigo.  At first, we are not sure what or whom the two are discussing.  We
do know that Roderigo is clearly upset over a recent development for which he at first
is blaming Iago. 


I take it much

That thou, Iago, who hast
my purse

As if the strings were thine shouldst know of

Iago redirects
Roderigo's anger away from himself and toward Othello--whom he does not name at first,
by swearing that he hates Othello as well.    As the act progresses we learn the reason
for Roderigo's anger:  Roderigo had been giving Iago money to help him win the heart of
Desdemona, and she has eloped with Othello. 

Iago's anger
is twofold:  he is angry with Othello because Othello promoted Cassio over him, choosing
Cassio as his lieutenant rather than the more experienced Iago.   At the end of the act,
we learn that Iago suspects Othello of sleeping with his

Iago and Roderigo go together to Brabantio to tell
him that his daughter has eloped with Othello.  Brabantio is furious.  He is angry that
his daughter slipped away during the night to get married; he is angry that she married
a Moor and not one of the "curled darlings of her

We  see Othello at first through the
angry perspective of these three characters.  But Othello's entrance on stage readjusts
our first impressions of him, and we find that Othello is actually honorable, confident,
composed, and respected by his men and the Duke of Venice.   

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