Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How did militarism help to cause WWI?

If you don't like long answers, I can sum the other
person's reply up for you.

It might not be completely
accurate, or short enough for you,



Basically, militarism, a country's glorifying of
its own military, can cause countries to become arrogant and power-hungry, as well as
competitive for such power. In the years preceding WWI, many nations wanted to show off
their military power.

An example is
Austria-Hungary, who wanted to keep their reputation after
realizing that if Slavs in the Balkans rebelled against the
weakening Ottoman Empire for their freedom, they might do the same
in Austro-Hungarian colonies. Therefore, Austria-Hungary went out
and annexed two countries, Bosnia and
Herzegovina. This enraged the Balkan Slavics, and the tensions came
to a breaking point on June 28, 1914, when Black Hand member Gavrilo Princip (a Serbian
nationalist) assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife

Btw, reports state that Sophie jumped in front of
the first bullet that was meant to kill the Archduke, and because she was pregnant,
(some of) the Archduke's last words were reportedly "Sophie, Sophie! Don't die! Live for
our children!".

^ This is the only part that I had to
reference Wikipedia for. The rest is from what I learned in almost three years' worth of

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