Sunday, January 17, 2016

Describe Pride and Prejudice as social satire.

Pride and Prejudice is a social
satire because its main themes, which are a) courtship,  b) the need for marriage, c)
women's lack of social ranking, and d) the division of social classes are mocked
throughout the novel by presenting characters which are stereotypical of such themes in
awkward situations.

Austen clearly uses her own voice
through Elizabeth to explain her own views of these main themes: Why should women marry
just to get financial stability? Why the extreme respect to the aristocracy? What's with
Darcy's proposal? How DARE Mr. Collins propose? All these things are presented in a
complex yet funny way because the characters produce the

In Mr. Collins we see the extreme bender for the
aristocratic Lady Catherine.

In Lady Catherine we see the
extreme, self-serving aristocrat who expects the world to bend to

In Bingley we see the weak, and easily manipulated

In Darcy, we see the snobby and full of
himself aristocrat who even insults Elizabeth AS he

In Mr and Mrs. Bennet we see every reason why
people should never marry.

In Lydia we see the extremes of
how social opinion changes of you just for becoming a married

In all, it is entirely satirical and completely

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