Thursday, March 15, 2012

In Act III. sc. i of Julius Caesar, how does Caesar’s murder affect Antony, and how does he approach Brutus and Cassius, once Caesar is dead?

One thing that Shakespeare focuses on in this play is how
politicians must behave in order to stay in power (and stay alive).  For Antony, in Act
III, scene i, just after Caesar has been stabbed to death on the steps of the Capitol,
staying alive is a crucial task.  He was the man closest to Caesar, and was also, in
fact, someone the Conspirators discussed killing also, since he was Caesar's "right
arm."  So, what Antony does in this scene, is absolutely vital to his staying

The first description of Antony's reaction to the
murder is a report from Trebonius that he has "fled to his house amazed."  And then,
just over 50 lines later, Antony enters the scene of Caesar's death.  He speaks bravely
of offering himself up to the Conspirator's knives, if they intend to kill him also.  At
this moment, Antony's displays his incredible bravery, as he stands in a room full of
men who have just committed murder and says:


. . .there is no hour so

As Caesar's death's hour, nor no

Of half that worth as those your swords, made

With the most noble blood of all this

I do beseech ye . .

Fulfil your

But they do not
kill him.  His next move is to shake the bloody hands of each of the Conspirators.  He
calls himself the murderers' friend and asks that

. .
.give me reasons

Why and wherein Caesar was

. . .That's all I

And am, moreover, suitor that I

Produce his body to the market

And in the pulpit, as becomes a

Speak in the order of his

So Antony, asks that
they answer why Caesar was dangerous and also requests to speak at his funeral.  Antony
is granted permission to speak at the funeral, and when the room is empty but for
Antony, he is able to honestly show the audience how the murder has really affected
him.  He begins:


O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of

That I am meek and gentle with these

And he goes on to
prophesy that civil war will overtake Rome as a result of the Conspirators

Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,

. . .Shall in these
confines with a monarch's voice

Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip
the dogs of war. . .

Antony, in his funeral oration, does indeed raise the mob to chaotic revolt and,
ultimately, it is Antony who will rule as one of Rome's leaders, not Cassius or

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