Tuesday, March 20, 2012

In what ways does having a part-time legislative body improve representation?

A benefit of having a part-time legislature is that
politicians would no longer be only that--politicians. Unless legislators were from
extremely wealthy families, they would have to play a significant, constant role in
whatever their original career is. While many politicians do continue their businesses
while serving in Congress, many of them simply do not have time as full-timers to be
fully engaged in their previous careers. This hurts the nation in a couple of ways.
First a legislature consisting of full-time politicians becomes detached from what it
actually means to run a business, teach, serve as an attorney, practice medicine, etc.,
and therefore, has difficulty creating and passing laws that are practical and
beneficial to the majority of Americans. A more local example of this is when teachers
leave the classroom to take on consulting jobs or to work at the district or state
level. While there are exceptions, those former teachers unfortunately begin to forget
what it is like to be in the classroom on a daily basis andcreate policies or purchase
programs/equipment that are not practical or beneficial to teachers and students (this
pattern repeats itself in many careers outside of government and

Secondly, many of our current legislators seem
to have forgotten that they are public servants. After only a brief
term in Congress, many feel entitled to their positions and neglect the original
intention of providing a service for not only their constituents but also for their
nation. Perhaps if their political responsibilities were part time, it would be easier
for them to view their role more as a volunteer rather than as a

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