Wednesday, January 28, 2015

In A Doll's House, describe the relationship between Torvald and Nora.

Of course, your question relates to the theme of the story
and Ibsen's original intention in writing this excellent play. In A Doll's
, the position of females in Ibsen's time is examined and he presents
his hope for feminism and equality through the character of Nora and her realisation of
her situation and her choice to embark on a search for her own

At the beginning of the play, the relationship of
Nora and Torvald is examined. It is clear that their relationship has more in common
with a father and daughter relationship than with a husband and wife, and we discover
that Nora relates to her husband and is treated exactly the same way that she related
and was treated by her father. In response to her husband's insulting comments and
patronising remarks, Nora cajoles, begs and acts like a child (or even a "doll").
Torvald even says: "Has my little sweet tooth been indulging herself in town today by
any chance?" Nora responds using childish phrases: "Oh. Pooh!" It is clear that Torvald
possesses Nora and regards her as nothing more than a belonging to make him look

Nora, too, at the beginning of the play, is caught up
in this "Doll's House", as we can see in her definition of freedom which she gives to
Mrs. Linde: "Free. To free, absolutely free. To spend time playing with the children. To
have a clean, beautiful house, the way Torvald likes it." She is unable to perceive her
situation as being caged inside her "Doll's House" and plays a part of the perfect wife
according to her husband's wishes.

Of course, the action of
the play, and in particular the realisation of Torvald that Nora has deceived him and
his response, triggers the epiphany that Nora needs to realise the truth of her
situation and give her the desire to escape this "Doll's House". In his response to this
realisation, Torvald shows himself to Nora for who he really is: a self-centred, petty
man who is concerned only about keeping up the facade of marriage: "From now on, forget
happiness. Now it is just about saving the remains, the wreckage, the appearance." It is
this unmasking that gives Nora self-understanding of her situation. She says to Torvald,
"I've been performing tricks for you Torvald. That's how I've survived. You wanted it
like that. You and Papa have done me a great wrong. It's because of you I've made
nothing of my life." By the end of the play then, she becomes a stronger, tougher more
independent individual, determined to make her own life free from the constricting
gender roles that have been imposed upon her. We see a woman who is making a bold action
against gender inequality and the position society and culture has given

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