Wednesday, May 13, 2015

In Oedipus Rex, what is the reversal of this play?

It all depends on your specific definition of the term.
For if you simply mean once the character's fortunes change for the worse, then one
might consider the very beginning of the play when Oedipus sends Creon to the Oracle at
Delphi for an explanation of the plague and the horrible conditions of the city of
Thebes. Once Creon returns with the answers and the knowledge that Oedipus is
responsible, Creon requests that they speak in

out to all. I sorrow more for them than for the woe which touches me alone. (Prologue

Considering that
Creon and Oedipus could have known his misfortune privately, it starts a public fallout
for which there is no return. The second reversal of fortune is when Oedipus summons
Tiresias and since Tiresias knows the situation, he had tried to
make himself forget. Oedipus and Tiresias end up arguing with Oedipus accusing Tiresias
of being in a conspiracy with Creon. The reversals are almost

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