Sunday, May 24, 2015

What are the pros and cons regarding the issue of cloning?

There are too many pros and cons to go into full detail
here, but I can get you started with the most controversial aspects of


1)  Most people
think of cloning as **Presto!**, here's a copy of a person.  But cloning is at the
cellular level.  We can, in the future, clone tissue such as skin, bone or muscle, not
to mention organs.  This would be a huge medical advance, and instead of looking for
organ donors and taking anti-rejection drugs for the rest of your life, we could
actually clone your kidney or

2)  This could save some animal species from
extinction, and potentialy even resurrect some that have already gone

3)  We may discover cures or treatments for myriad
diseases and conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease or Multiple Sclerosis, by cloning a
person's healthy tissue and allowing the body to


1)  We do
not know what we're doing.  Human life is not to be experimented with at such a basic
level, as this could and would be abused by governments, companies and individuals.  In
other words, we cannot handle such technology.

2)  In
eventually creating another human being from scratch, what legal rights will clones
have?  The same as humans?  What about the early versions of clones that will probably
be imperfect as the technology is still new?

3)  There are
religious/spiritual objections to the idea of cloning, arguing that, in this case, it is
dangerous and wrong to mess with God/Mother Nature and that no one has the right to
create life in this way when there is a natural way.

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