Saturday, May 16, 2015

Which character traits make Fortunato such an easy target for Montresor in"The Cask of Amontillado"?

The character in Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado" with the
ironical name of Fortunato is the possessor of personality traits that are, indeed, his
nemesis.  In fact, he is easily duped because of these

  1. He imbibes so much that he is incapable
    of logical reasoning and clear perception.   When, for example, Montresor takes him
    farther and farther into the catacombs, the drunken Fortunato does not stop to wonder
    why they are proceeding so far.

  2. He is vain,
    believing  himself a great connossieur of wine, one whose opinion should be valued over
    that of others. 

  3. He is petty.  Fortunato does not want
    anyone to taste the Amontillado because he wants to be the one to judge it and take
    credit for having done so. Determined to not let his rival Luchesi taste the wine before
    he does, Fortunato becomes myopic in his thoughts as he risks his health in the damp
    catacombs filled with miter just to prevent Luchesi from tasting the

  4. He is deluded in his judgment of Montresor,
    suspecting no ulterior motives from a competitor.  As a result, he is easy prey for his
    enemy who lures him deeper and deeper into the catacombs of his family.  When Montresor
    protests, Fortunato foolishly takes Montresor literally, saying that he is fine and
    there is no need to call Luchesi--"[he]is an ignormamus"--and is totally stunned when
    Montresor walls him in.

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