Saturday, January 2, 2016

What is the relationship between the sexes in the world state in Brave New World?

The world state encourages promiscuity because the belief
was that committed monogamous relationships would lead to jealousy, conflict.  Adults
would use "soma" the drug to dull their passions. These practices are utilized by the
state to distract, pacify and condition the citizens; to prevent them from challenging
the system or engaging in intellectual or critical thought. So, the interaction between
the sexes, and all people in general (with the exception of the Savage and the
Controllers), is a conditioned interaction; relationships are functionary, not based on
emotional or intellectual connection. 

The ten Controllers
have the most power and are the most free. Everyone else, from the Alphas to the
Epsilons, essentially have no power because they've been so conditioned that they lack
the ability or the will to have free thought, free will or the ability to

But, Alphas do have a bit more freedom because they
are intelligent enough to not completely bend to the laws of state. The Controllers
allow some of the Alphas to travel to the Indian reservation for two reasons: the
freedom to travel is a way to placate them and it also was supposed to show them how
primitive societies function:to make them appreciate the civility of the World State.
The idea of power is associated with free will.  From the Epsilons up to the Alphas, the
more intelligent the caste is, the more ability for critical thought and thus, the more
free will they have, the more power they potentially

Ironically, although the Controllers have the most
power/most free will, their lives are based on a choice among only two options: become
an oppressive controller or an outcast. The Controllers, who have the most free will,
have the most power because they deny it to everyone else.

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