Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What is the only difference between the Party and the Nazis in 1984?

I am sure there exists more than one difference between
the the regimes mentioned.  In my mind, I think that the Party is probably different
than the Nazis because of the mass extermination of people.  Certainly, the Party and
Big Brother are guilty of their share of liquidations.  Yet, we don't get the feeling in
Orwell's work that what they do is on the level of Hitler's camps.  We don't see the
death camp vision in the Party that is so intrinsic to the Nazis.  For example, we don't
see a Treblinka or an Auschwitz in such magnitude with the Party.  We don't get the
feeling that the systematic annihilation of a particular group of people is at the
forefront of the Party.  Perhaps, they already have done this to solidify their own
power and now they neednt do so.  Yet, I don't sense that the taking of life that was so
much a part of Hitler's Nazis is as present in the novel.

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