Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How can I write a background info on puns in Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth for my intro paragraph?

You might consider giving some background on the purpose of a
pun. Is it to relate to people? Is it to entertain? Is it to show hyperbole? As a teacher of high
school boys, I find everyday that I have to edit my language just in case they might take my use
of a word and think about it another way. For example, if I want to talk about something that is
standing up rimrod straight, I avoid using the vocabulary of describing it as absolutely erect.
Immature laughs would erupt throughout the classroom if I used that language. So, in writing an
intro, you might think of a similar anecdote wherein you have had to watch your language because
of others, or you might simply define the purposes of figurative as I asked you questions about
above. Whatever your attention grabber or hook ends up being, after that connect the idea to what
you have seen in both Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet.

Another idea might be to have the title:
Words, Worlds, Words. If you look at this quick, you don't notice
the difference between the 3 words, but reading slowly enough, you see a different word in the
middle. That difference is represented by a single character of meaning but it completely changes
things. The same is true when we see a pun or simile, when thought of one way, the connotation of
the word might mean one thing, but when thought of the other way, the denotation of the word
means something else entirely. You may have to use an example to demonstrate

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