Sunday, May 19, 2013

In Hamlet, what is the attitude of the court towards Hamlet in Act 2 Scene 2?

Some significant amount of time has passed between the end
of Act 1 and the start of Act 2, because by the start of Act 2 everyone seems very
concerned about Hamlet's lunacy.  Hamlet must have been putting his "antic disposition
on" for enough time to cause alarm amoungst the members of the court -- specifically
Claudius, Gertrude, Polonius and Ophelia. 

Claudius and
Gertrude have called Hamlet's childhood friends back from school (presumably Wittenberg)
to try to find out what is wrong with Hamlet and to try to distract him and restore him
to his normal nature.  Gertrude specifically instructs them to "visit my too much
changed son."  Claudius asks them to "draw him on to pleasures, and to gather so much as
from occasion you may glean" about what afflicts Hamlet

Polonius enters the scene claiming to know the cause
of Hamlet's changed behavior.  Based on a report from Ophelia, Polonius thinks that it
is the loss of Ophelia's love that has pushed Hamlet over the edge of sanity.  He has,
as evidence of this theory, a poorly written love poem that Hamlet sent to

Once Hamlet enters the scene, his behavior is
troubling.  He 'mistakes' Polonius for a fishmonger; he talks about kissing carrion; he
talks nonsense about old people.  Polonius doesn't know what to make of any of this, but
does remark that "though this be madness, yet there is method

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern make very little
headway in discovering the true cause of Hamlet's lunacy.  They suggest to Hamlet that
perhaps he is crazy because his ambitions to the throne were thwarted, but Hamlet
doesn't buy into that and he leaves Ros and Guil as bewildered as they were when they
started -- even though Hamlet tells them "I am but mad north-northwest; when the wind is
southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw."  They don't have any idea what that

Everyone Hamlet has contact with is worried about
him and questions why Hamlet is such a changed person, but no one has a good answer.  It
would seem that Hamlet's crazy act is working pretty well to this

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