Thursday, May 30, 2013

What does Siddhartha conclude about finding peace?

"Peace" is used no fewer than 15 times in

  • Peace is mainly
    connected to Gatama (Buddha).  Siddhartha


...his quietly dangling hand expressed peace,
expressed perfection, did not search, did not imitate, breathed softly in an
unwhithering calm, in an unwhithering light, an untouchable

  • Near
    the beginning of the novel, Siddhartha says that his father, though a Brahmin (priest),
    did not have peace:


...but even he, who knew so much, did he live in
blissfulness, did he have peace, was he not also just a
searching man, a thirsty

  • Siddhartha
    says that Vasudeva also has attained peace by the


With a bright smile, he left; Siddhartha watched
him leaving. With deep joy, with deep solemnity he watched him leave, saw his steps full
of peace, saw his head full of lustre, saw his body full of

  • Siddhartha
    says that Kamala has peace that few people


You are Kamala, nothing else, and inside of you,
there is a peace and refuge, to which you can go at every
hour of the day and be at home at yourself, as I can also do. Few people have this, and
yet all could have

  • Siddhartha
    also admits that his son is not a source of peace, but of


Siddhartha began to understand that his son had
not brought him happiness and peace, but suffering and

  • Govinda
    admits that he has not found peace, even as an old


“Siddhartha,” he spoke, “we have become old men.
It is unlikely for one of us to see the other again in this incarnation. I see, beloved,
that you have found

  • Siddhartha
    answers Govinda:


...I cannot love words. Therefore, teachings are
no good for me, they have no hardness, no softness, no colours, no edges, no smell, no
taste, they have nothing but words. Perhaps it are these which keep you from finding
peace, perhaps it are the many

So, peace is being at
home with yourself, and it is not found in words or the teachings directed at others.
 Peace, it seems, is intensely personal, and it is connected to one's vocation.  It can
be found by a courtesan (prostitute) Kamala, the Buddha, or the ferryman Vasudeva.  Most
of all, peace comes with a thirst and a search for it.

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