Sunday, January 26, 2014

In the poems “We Real Cool” and “Invictus,” how are the moods similar but the endings different?

Gwendolyn Brooks’ poem “We Real Cool” might at first seem to
have very little in common with William Ernest Henley’s poem “Invictus.” On closer examination,
however, the two works reveal some interesting similarities, including the

  • Both poems present highly confident moods.
    Indeed, this mood of confidence is implied in the very titles of both works, though "We Real
    Cool" presents an ironic confidence.

  • The over-all tones of both
    works also suggest this as self-confidence, which might even be seen as somewhat cocky. Thus, the
    speakers in Brooks’ poem immediately assert, “We real cool” (1), while the speaker of Henley’s
    poem quickly proclaims,


I thank whatever gods may

For my unconquerable soul.

  • Some readers might
    find the attitudes of the speakers in both poems a bit arrogant, although Henley seems to want us
    to admire his speaker’s pride, while Brooks may be mocking the pride of the speakers she

Ultimately, however, the speakers of the two
poems seem to differ even more than they resemble each other. Some of the most significant
differences include the following:

  • Henley’s speaker
    speaks for himself. Brooks’ speakers are part of a group and seem to define themselves as members
    of a group. Henley's speaker seems strong; Brooks' young men seem weak and

  • Henley’s speaker seems to have faced and overcome real
    challenges in his life, whereas the speakers in Brooks’ poem seem to have retreated from even the
    most simple challenges:

. .
. We

Left school.

  • Henley’s speaker
    seems to take pride in the genuine strength he has


I have not winced nor cried

Under the bludgeonings of

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

  • Brooks’ speakers are
    proud of their accomplishments in the pool hall and of other insignificant

. . .

Strike straight.

  • Finally, the most
    significant difference between the speakers in both poems is that Henley’s speaker seems
    confident even in the face of age and death (9-12), whereas Brooks’ speakers merely (and
    ironically) concede,

. . .

Die soon.

Henley seems to endorse the
values and attitudes of the speaker he presents, whereas Brooks seems to offer her brief poem as
a caution and warning to any other young men who think that being “cool” is a mature approach to

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