Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What is the meaning of this quote? How does it relate to Huxley's novels?Everyone who wants to do good to the human race always ends in universal...


I believe this quote means
that government leaders often start out with good intentions for their people by giving them
handouts and enacting laws (like mandatory seat belt laws) to protect them. But what often
happens is that protection turns into control and control turns into totalitarianism...government
has total control of all aspects of the people's lives and individuals are pushed down and

This is one of Huxley's main warnings, especially in his
work, Brave New World. In this novel, the state tells its citizens who they can sleep with, what
drugs to take, what jobs they can have, and what they can and can't read and do in their free
time. Leaders say this world is good for the people, because they are protecting them from
unhappiness by making sure there is no pain, or sin or social

The only problem is, Bernard, John, and Helmholtz feel
something is missing. They want some control over their lives, and seek to experience the
totality of life...even the pain and mistakes....because only in this can one be unique and

It is the age-old debate over freedom or

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