Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Some examples of verisimilitude, please?I'm working on this project, and I don't understand the word verisimilitude. Definitely would appreciate...

Verisimilitude (veritas - truth; and similis - similar to); so
it means similar to the truth. In art, verisimilitude was used to portray nature as accurately as
possible. (See mimesis - imitation). In literature, this is just what you'd think. With the
development of the novel, the goal was to present literature that the reader would find
believable (closer to reality, similar to truth). Certainly, Realism was a clear example of this.
With poetry, one strategy was to keep the elegant language but make everything else more
believable (in terms of characters, content, historical background and so on). Another strategy
was to move away from lofty, poetic speech since you would not typically hear this in daily

With fiction (sci-fi, realism, or whatever) the novel must
also engage the reader, so it would do no good if the author constantly pointed out "this could
happen; this is similar to truth." For verisimiltude to be successful, the reader must get swept
up in the novel, so even if it is a sci-fi book about the scenario if Hitler won in WWII, the
reader would suspend their disbelief of this scenario and consider the truthfulness or its

Writers using versimilitude began to notice that all
this really relied on what the reader would find believable in reality; since every reader is
different, it is problematic. So, the use of verisimiltude shifted from what all readers might
find similar to the truth (realistically plausible) to focusing on the novel (or text) itself.
So, then verisimiltude started from mimesis (imitating nature, the world, society) to presenting
a world by itself (novel, closed book - it's own world) that would simply be believable - if it
made some kind of logical sense. The idea is that a reader will find a work of literature more
meaningful if he/she believes it could actually happen.

So, it
depends on what era of literature you're talking about and historical background will play a role
in a text's verisimilitude. These days, in postmodern novels, meaning or truth is understood more
subjectively (meaning everyone has a different idea of reality, what's possible, metaphorically
and literally). So, in postmodern novels, verisimiltude (as accurately imitating the world) is
not as important as plausibility. In Plato's time, truth meant something different than it does
now; not just because we have satellites and cell phones, but because our notion of truth is

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