Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Jack makes a theological speculation about murder.Jack makes a "theological speculation" about the murder. What view of the murder does it...

The theological symbolism in this novel refers to
Beezlebub, a demon in the Bible, also referred to as the "Lord of the Flies." In chapter
10, Jack and his tribe are mulling around, trying to look for excuses for Simon's brutal
murder. One of Jack's tribe, Stanley says that he believed the beast disguised himself.
Jack replies "perhaps" and then the text reads "a theological speculation presented
itself". Jack then tells Stanley that they had better keep on the right side of him
(meaning the BEAST) because they can never tell what he might

I don't believe this is any reference to a diety,
unless you consider Satan a diety. This is a reference to Satan who, in the Bible, is
well-known for disguising himself. He is a great disguiser even from the very beginning
as he tempted Adam and Eve in the form of a snake. The Bible says that Satan "goes about
like a prowling lion seeking whom he may devour" and don't forget that Satan was once
"the angel of light" - that is what his name means,

Jack's tribe is trying to justify the fact that
they murdered someone, but if the being they murdered is evil, a demon, then they can
justify it. The don't want to admit they killed one of their own, another human being.
Jack is concerned with trying to convince his tribe, as well as himself, that the murder
was of a demon, not a boy, and it was justified as self protection. The signifigance has
to do with the theme of the novel, that man is basically evil, and when left to his own
devices, outside of the control of society, he reverts to his lowest level, a beast
himself. The scene in chapter 9 of Simon's killing illustrates

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