Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Please provide a simple summary of John Dryden's poem "Alexander's Feast," and please refer to the text of the poem.

“Alexander’s Feast,” by John Dryden, describes the
celebration thrown by the great Greek warrior, Alexander the Great (son of Philip of
Macedon) after Alexander had defeated the Persians in battle in 331 B.C.E.  The poem
opens by referring to this victory and by describing

godlike here sate [that is, sat]

On his imperial throne 

He was surrounded by
his captains, who were decorated with “roses and myrtles” (7) as “The lovely Thais,” his
Greek mistress, sat “by his side” (9). Repeated lines celebrate the happiness and
bravery of the persons thus far depicted (12-19).

A poet
and musician named Timotheus, accompanied by a choir and strumming a lyre, sings a song
telling the myth of how Jove, the king of the gods, came down to earth and, disguised as
a serpent, impregnated Alexander’s mother, so that Alexander was supposedly of partly
divine parentage. The people at the feast celebrate Alexander’s divinity, and Alexander
nods and thereby (like Jove) seems to produce powerful cosmic effects

Timotheus next celebrates Bacchus, the god of
wine, as if Bacchus were actually present at the


Bacchus, ever fair and

Drinking joys did first

Bacchus’ blessings are a

Drinking is the soldier’s pleasure . . .

The praise of Bacchus
is then repeated, especially since “Sweet is pleasure after pain

Subsequent sections of the poem describe how
Alexander becomes passionate when thinking about his victory (66-72) and how Timotheus
manages to soothe Alexander’s proud passions by literally changing his own tune and
mournfully describing the death of the Persian king (Darius) whom Alexander had defeated
(69-83). Alexander is moved by this lament and contemplates the mutability of earthly
existence (84-92).

Timotheus next inspires thoughts of love
in Alexander, who has become drowsy from drinking (92-122). Timotheus therefore uses
music to awaken the king and now inspires in him thoughts of vengeance on the Persians
for having killed so many Greeks (123-54).

The poem ends by
extolling the power of Timotheus’s music and of poetry as well (155-60). Eventually
Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians, invented the organ, thereby excelling the
power displayed even by Timotheus (161-80):

He [that is,
Timotheus] raised a mortal to the skies;

She drew an angel
down. (169-70)

This poem is one of the most famous
celebrations of music in the English language.

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