Friday, September 12, 2014

Show how Shelley's use of language (in Frankenstein) reveals that Victor's dreams have been shattered (when the creature comes to life).

Mary Shelley uses very dramatic and imagery-laden language to
define the shattering of Victor's dreams in her novel Frankenstein. Chapter
four of the novel defines Victor's dreams regarding his "son."


A new species would bless me as its creator and source;
many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. No father could claim the gratitude
of his child so completely as I should deserve

Typical of the "new parent,"
Victor's dreams (regarding his son) is that he is able to create a life which would denote him
(Victor) as the most gracious being on earth. It is, undeniably, his dream to birth a child who
will look up to him, as the father. This dream further developed through Victor's meticulous
nature in creating his "son."


After having formed this determination, and having spent
some months in successfully collecting and arranging my materials, I

To Victor's dismay and horror,
his "son" is not what he dreamt of. Instead, the being is large, ugly, and

How can I
describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite
pains and care I had endeavoured to

Essentially, in the end, the
physical attributes of Victor's son shattered his dream. His son was not beautiful; instead, the
creature was horridly ugly, inarticulate, and horrifying.

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