Sunday, July 15, 2012

Goldstein says that the war being waged against another superpower is not the real war. What is the real war?

Goldstein says that war's purpose is to perpetuate
hysteria, ignite anger and hatred, and control the population.  Fear keeps the masses
somewhat in control.  By keeping the people aware of their enemies, the government keeps
people's focus of fear, anger, and hatred on that enemy.  People spend their energies on
hating the opposing forces and have no energy to focus on the government. War also gives
the masses a job.  Soldiers are needed constantly because there is always a state of
war.  Not only are soldiers needed to fight the wars but people are needed to man the
factories that make items of warfare - weapons, tanks, etc.  War is good for the economy
in that it provides so many jobs.  Employment keeps the people happy because they are
making some money (though in "1984", people's income was just high enough to sustain
them with little left over for frills).  Employment, especially jobs that require lots
of overtime, keeps the people tired.  Tired people don't have the energy to do much more
than work, eat, and fall asleep so they can wake up and go to work again.  War keeps
people content and controlled.  The real war, then, is the war that the government
perpetuates in order to control the population.  In "1984", control of the masses is the
goal of the government.

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