Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Who do you see as the protagonist of "Bartleby the Scrivener"--Bartleby or the lawyer/narrator ?Herman Melville's "Bartleby the Scrivener"

With the apparent propensity of Herman Melville for
writing narratives in which characters have doubles--in Moby Dick,
Ahab has two alter egos:  Pip as his imaginative side, and Fedulla as his darker
side--there is a substantial argument for Bartleby's being a double for the lawyer. 
Thus, as the lawyer's "psychological double" that represents the impersonal and sterile
side of him, Bartleby acts with him as both protagonist and

In his essay, "Melville's Bartleby As
Psychological Double," Modecai Marcus proposes that the screen which the lawyer places
between himself and Bartleby represents his attempt to subjugate his imagination and
sensitivities to the world of business.  For, Bartleby works industriously for the
religiously significant three days, then stops producing; instead, when asked perform
tasks, Bartleby simply replies, "I prefer not."  While the lawyer is at first the
antagonist, Bartleby's passive protests increasingly dominate the lawyer, making him now
the antagonist.  As Marcus points out,


The lawyer finally accepts Bartleby's presence as
a natural part of his world, and he admits that without outside interference, their
strange relationship might have continued

However, the
roles of protagonist/antagonist reverse as with the increasing resistance of Turkey and
the other scriveners, the lawyer feels compelled to dismiss Bartleby. Still, after he
learns that Bartleby is living in his office from which he has moved, he invites
Bartleby to come home with him until he can find lodgings.  But, then, Bartleby becomes
again the antagonist, refusing the lawyer's offer.  Finally, when the lawyer learns that
Bartleby has been taken to prison and blames him for this imprisonment.  Marcus suggests
that Bartleby, who stares vacantly at the prison wall, represents a "voice deep within
the lawyer" that wishes to give up his way of life on the confining world of
unimaginative business on Wall Street. Therefore, Bartleby resumes the role of

Thus, in Herman Melville's story, "Bartleby,
the Scrivener, A Tale of Wall Street," Bartleby and the lawyer represent conflicting
sides of the mind of one individual who has been reshaped by the limitations of society,
symbolized as the "wall."  Like Ahab, who refuses to accept his limitations as a damaged
man and seeks to break through "the pasteboard mask," the lawyer, too, struggles as his
does hi psychological double, Bartleby;  they struggle to combat the "wall" of limited

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