Saturday, July 21, 2012

How does individual conscience conflict with public values in To Kill A Mockingbird?I need three examples or arguments to support the question.

In Harper Lee's To Kill a
, there are characters who clearly "march to the beat of a
different drummer."  Three such characters are Miss Maudie, Raymond Dolphus, and, of
course, Atticus Finch.


In constant conflict with the
sanctimonious hypocrites of her community, Miss Maudie answers the religious taunts of
the fundamentalists who think that she spends too much time in her garden by quoting
scripture right back to them.  At Alexandra's tea, Miss Maudie has no qualms about
remarking on the hypocrisy of Mrs. Merriweather who "most charitably" donates to the
Africans, but is stingy with the maid she has had for years.  For instance, after Mrs.
Merriweather has cricized her maid's recent attitude since the trial approaches, saying
she should be grateful for the pittance she pays her, Miss Maudie asks if Mr.
Merriweather does not choke on the food.  She is also not afraid to show her support of
Atticus to others.

Mr. Dolphus

Like Miss Maudie, Mr. Dolphus
Raymond rides down his own path against conventional wisdom. And, he lives in the Negro
section of town because he repudiates the hypocrisy of the townspeople.  But, to appease
their hypocritical ways, he pretends to be a

Mr. Atticus

Ever the individual who even advocates
considering others as individuals, as well, Atticus Finch goes against the norm which is
that a white man who is forced to defend a Negro like Tom will only represent a Negro in
the most perfunctory manner.  However, Atticus intends to do his best and to defend Tom
to the best of his efforts.  He has the intention of releasing the entire

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