Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What events and actions tell that the character Napoleon is a cruel dictator?

In chapter 5, Napoleon asserts his authority by running
Snowball off the farm with the assistance of the dogs he had been training from birth to
be his brute squad. He then cruelly, but persuasively, announces that he is the leader,
and that he has authorized the pigs to make all decisions from here on out. Of course he
uses techniques of propaganda to help the rest of the animals think this is fair. He
demoralizes the animals keeping his dictatorship in effect by using the force of the

In chapter 6, Napoleon's hypocrisy to the
commandments begins to surface. We as readers see that the rules apply to the animals,
but not him. For example, he trades with neighboring farms which makes all of the
animals on this farm work even harder and more. He also hires a human. Thus, Napleon can
deal with two legs, even though they are bad.

In chapter 7,
conditions on the farm grow worse. The winter begins to really hurt the farm and rations
are cut to almost nothing. In an effort to continue to raise money, Napoleon demands
that the hens eggs also be sold. Hens die as a result of Napoleon's strict and
demoralizing leadership.

I hope these ideas help you

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