Monday, July 23, 2012

In "Young Goodman Brown," how did Young Goodman Brown's outlook on life influence his actions?

This is an interesting question. I am not sure that we are given
much information about Goodman Brown's outlook on life but it is clear that his action in
insisting on going into the woods is part of some last rebellion against good and dalliance with
evil before he settles down to become a righteous and spiritual man. Note how as he starts off on
his journey he reflects on what a terrible man he is to ignore his wife's plea for him to

"Poor little
Faith!" thought he, for his heart smote him. "What a wretch am I to leave her on such an errand!
She talks of dreams, too. Methought as she spoke there was trouble in her face, as if a dream had
warned her what work is to be done tonight. But no, no; 't would kill her to think it. Well,
she's a blessed angel on earth; and after this one night I'll cling to her skirts and follow her
to heaven."

Note how allegorically,
Faith, Goodman Brown's wife, is exactly that, and so after this one last night of evil, Goodman
Brown resolves to "cling to her skirts" and by so doing "follow her to

Thus perhaps we can infer that Goodman Brown's outlook on
life is that he is entitled to one last fling with the Devil before settling down to become a
good Puritan and focusing on becoming holy. It is this belief that he is entitled to one last
night of evil that leads him into the woods and changes him utterly

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