Friday, July 20, 2012

Who suspects Macbeth?Support your answer with lines from Act 2

As with most crimes, the killer becomes a suspect in the minds
of those around him. 

Macduff suspects Macbeth's activities
immediately after the discovery of the body.  Macbeth admits to killing the guards which makes
Macduff suspicious enough to ask

Wherefore did you

Later, Macduff refuses to attend Macbeth's coronotion
worrying that the new direction of the kingdom is evil, as evidenced by his quote from scene

Lest our
old robes sit easier than our

The King's sons flee
the scene, afraid for their own live.  They sense that someone close to their father killed him
when Donalbain says in scene iii


There's daggers in men's

The Thane of Ross
also questions Duncan's sons as suspects because they had really nothing additional to gain from
the murder, especially if they ran away!  He says in scene iv


'Gainst nature

Thriftless ambition, that wilt ravin

Thine own life's

Donalbain and, most importantly, Macduff suspect Macbeth in Act II.

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