Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In Act 2, what different types of madness do we see in Hamlet?this is from hamlet by shakespear.. plzz help!!!

The first we hear of Hamlet's madness is Ophelia's report of
Hamlet's crazy behavior in her rooms just a few minutes before hand. In this description we hear
about Hamlet NOT speaking, just staring at Ophelia in long and odd ways and the fact that his
clothing looks askance (probably not like the prince usually

Late in the next scene of the Act 2 we see Hamlet acting
crazy in front of the court -- clearly this is a show for the crowd.  It is important to note
that Hamlet is speaking in prose -- a Shakespearean method of indicating madness in his character
at this time.  Hamlet is talking what others seem to think is nonsence.  He calls Polonius a
fishmonger (when he is clearly not one); he makes some odd comments about Polonius having a
daughter and how Polonius should worry about her; he makes veiled comments about old people (like
Polonius); he speaks in a very absolute manner (about death being "out of

A little later we see in his conversation with Rosencrantz
and Guildenstern that he is still speaking in prose and telling them that "Denmark is a prison." 
Thinking that the world is a prison is a sure sign of depression in Shakespeare's time.  He
explicitely states that he thinks the world is a terrible place to be right

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