Thursday, December 25, 2014

Is the conflict between Rip and his wife similar to the one between Britain and America?

I suppose that you could argue that the two conflicts are
similar.  You could say that they both involve one side trying to control and dominate
while the other side tries to break free.

In the story,
Dame van Winkle is a very domineering wife.  She tries to impose her will on her husband
as much as possible.  Rip wants to get out from under her influence and live life as he

This is similar to the conflict between the
colonies and the British.  The motivations are different (Rip is motivated by laziness
as much as anything) but the basic desire is the same.  The Americans want to be left
alone to live their own lives (as a country) without being dominated by England (the way
Rip's wife dominates him).

I guess if you take it a step
further you can see another parallel (if you choose to).  You can argue that both the
British and Dame van Winkle have a good reason to be angry.  The British (you can argue)
have a right to expect the Americans to pay taxes and obey the laws.  Dame van Winkle
has a right to expect Rip to be a bit more conscientious and

So you can say that the British and Dame van
Winkle have a reason to be mad, but that that the Americans and Rip also have a reason
to want their freedom.  In these two ways, the relationships are

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