Thursday, December 18, 2014

What are some advantages and disadvantages to living 1984 by George Orwell's society?

Some advantages to living in this society would

  1. COMMON LIFESTYLES: The classes in this society
    occur, but the great majority of proles and Party members understand their positions and don't
    work to change them. People know where they stand. Their rations as distributed are much more
    equal than compared to what current societies today see used throughout their classes. We have
    the very filthy rich, and the most dirt poor in our societies

  2. PARENTING RELIEF: Since the children are in school being so
    coaxed to love and have devotion for Big Brother, parents don't have to worry about vying for
    their children's affection, it is already a lost cause. I would assume too that they see their
    children less hours of the day.

  3. SECURITY: In a society like
    1984's as long as you follow rules and show devotion, you will be protected
    because there are telescreens everywhere to help determine when any kind of wrong

The disadvantages of such a society are as

  1. LOSS OF IDENTITY: A person wouldn't get to
    choose the career path that interested them, they would do what they were told. Clothing to
    express one's self and the ability to make choices on a daily basis would be completely lost in
    this society.

  2. LOSS OF RELATIONSHIPS: Although Julia and Winston
    make a relationship somewhat work, you can see how not only sex for pleasure is frowned upon, but
    having anyone to talk with for more than a few seconds is frowned upon. The constant oversight of
    who you talk to and what you are talking about would drive today's people

  3. LOSS OF CULTURE: Winston doesn't really share any activity
    that adults do or children do that help define a culture as one with positive traditions or
    values, they just exist.

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