Friday, December 19, 2014

Is Macbeth more ambitious or Lady Macbeth in the play?

Undoubtedly,in the play Macbeth has been portrayed as an
ambitious personnel but at the same time he is well aware of his own limited means.He
had a tinge of fear in his mind which has been openly divulged in the "MURDER SCENE".He
is frightened of every noise around him.Many a times ,he doubts the appropriateness of
his enterprise.His sense of guilty-consciousness portrays an imaginary dagger in front
of his eyes.His actions were often guided by his wife and her timely motivating
gesticulations and provocations.Perhaps,he would not have commited the murder of Duncan
had he not been strongly tempted by his wife.

     While on
the other hand,Lady Macbeth becomes very keen to watch Macbeth as King just after
receiving his letter.Her verbal signs of motivation towards her husband is indeed a
noteworthy manifestation of her ambitious nature.Perhaps,she temporarily loses her real
identity.She deliberately calls upon darkness to hide her evil intentions.She also
doubts Macbeth's manhood when Macbeth expresses his reluctance in going along their
plan.She also says that she is even ready to pull up his milk-feeding baby from her
breasts and dash its brains against the walls just to keep her word.She even shows her
desire to kill their guest King Duncan with her own hands but fails to do so as her face
resembles her own father's.Such statements show that extreme ambition has deviated both
her 'mind and body' from its normal course of action

        These points are probably quite suggestive of the
fact that Lady Macbeth is more ambitious than Macbeth


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