Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Describe possible biological theories of homsexuality.

Unfortunately, there are very few theories that show any
significant evidence as to why some people are homosexual. There are, however, many biological
and physiological studies that show some possible links and may contribute to an individual's
sexual orientation.

First of all, research studies have shown that
there is a strong genetic link in homosexuality among males. While evidence also indicates that
there is a genetic link in homosexual females, evidence has been stronger in male studies. This
would indicate that genes play a possible role in the development of sexual orientation. Other
studies suggest that hormones may play a part in determining an individual's sexual orientation,
especially during the fetal period of development. It is possible that homosexual females are
exposed to higher levels of testosterone during the fetal stage while homosexual males are
exposed to higher levels of estrogen.

Most interestingly, a
scientific study of the brains of homosexual and heterosexual men showed that the anterior
hypothalamus (the part of the brain that influences sexual behavior) in gay men was much smaller
than in straight men. Later studies showed that this region of the brain was larger in homosexual
women than it was in heterosexual women. While this does not provide a sufficient explanation for
homosexuality, it may contribute to an individual's sexual

Most researchers agree that sexual orientation is the
result of both nature and nurture. An individual may be born with certain tendencies and
predispositions which can be fostered by their environment and result in a particular sexual
orientation. This has not been proven, but it is believed to be a fairly accurate

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