Friday, July 10, 2015

Was Winston's rebellion always doomed or could it possibly have worked?In the final chapter of 1984.

In 1984, Orwell plays upon our hopes and
dreams the same way that the illusion of Goldstein and the rebellion played upon Winston's.  As
readers in a free, democratic society, we have bought into the American dream, the "rags to
riches" story of one man overcoming overwhelmng odds to become a success

But, too Orwell, who saw firsthand the fate of the individual
in totalitarian governments (he was a journalist during many wars and rebellions), this story is
an illusion.  For the individual in communist U.S.S.R., fascist Italy, or Nazi Germany, there is
no hope, no dream, no rebellion.

There's no chance a rebellion of
one could work in these governments.  They control the media.  They control the technology.  They
control surveillance, profiling, and the secret police.  They control supply and demand of goods.
 They torture.  They control propaganda, information, disinformation, records, history.  They
even control children and the sexual mores.   In short, they are a well-oiled machine whose gears
and mechanisms are all-knowing, all-seeing, and untraceable.

individual plays by the rules, whether it is morality or integrity.  The state does not have any
rules; more, they have no conscience.  They only know pain and suffering.  Winston didn't stand a

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