Friday, July 17, 2015

Discuss Wiesel's use of foreshadowing in Chapter 2 of Night regarding Madame Schachter?

When the reader sees Madame Schachter and her reactions
inside the train car, it ends up revealing much of what is to come.  The moment with
Madame Schachter ends up holding much in way of significance and foretelling what
Eliezer himself is going to endure.  The first level of foreshadowing is that she is
insistent to all around her that where the Jewish people from Sighet are going is not
good.  She is rather persistent in this assertion.  While everyone around her is saying
that their condition is not as bad as one thinks, Madame Schachter undercuts this
rationalization with her assertion that it will actually be worse.  In this instance,
she is right for no one in that car really had any idea as to what is going to be
endured at the hands of the Nazis.  Additionally, when the other Jewish people attempt
to silence her, it is foreshadowing the level of cruelty that Eliezer is going to
witness in his different times at different camps from that moment onwards.  It is also
indicative of how the dehumanization that the Nazis perpetrated upon their victims is
going to be replicated when the victims dehumanize one another as their only means of
survival.  Eliezer's witnessing of Madame Schachter is so profound because he
experiences the same afterwards in his own ways.

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I think you are right! I don't believe that many of the Jews who were herded into the concentration camps actually understood the eno...