Tuesday, July 7, 2015

What evidence is there that the act of Waiting for Godot reflects a stupid, pathetic, and tasteless culture?

This might be a bit on the harsh side. Certainly, its sentiments
are evident in the play. I think that Beckett is trying to make a statement about the human
predicament. So much of human endeavor is ascribed to have "meaning." These are endeavors to
which there has been an immense amount of attention and stress paid. These are seen to have and
hold a great deal of "meaning." However, when viewed in different contexts, they have as much
puspose as Vladimir and Estragon waiting for Godot. It is in this where the endeavors that are
deemed as important by culture and society might have to be examined in a more meaningful

Those [the themes in the play] that are readily
apparent include the issues of absurdity, alienation and loneliness, appearance and reality,
death, doubt and ambiguity, time, the meaning of life, language and meaning, and the search for
self. But one theme that encompasses many of these at once is the question of the human
condition—who are we as humans and what is our short life on this planet really

I think that Beckett is trying to pose a question
about what we do as human beings and how those values that are deemed important by cultural or
social standards might be meaningless, in a larger context. The emphasis on materialism, self-
centered notions of power and success, as well as the driving towards culturally accepted notions
of the good could be where some level of examination is needed. In the end, this becomes one of
the fundamental premises of the play. The practices that seem to be taken as a part of cultural
acceptance might have to be examined and assessed as meaningful. It is in this where the play
might be suggesting that the idea of "waiting for Godot" along with other culturally accepted,
yet unquestioned practices, help to constitute elements that define

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