Thursday, July 16, 2015

What kinds of questions can a reader ask about Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream to get at some deeper insight, for example, about theme or...

There are many themes in
A Midsummer Night's Dream, and there are many clues that tell us
the themes. In order to derive a deeper understanding of the themes, it helps to be able
to pick out important occurrences and ask yourself what theme it could be portraying.
For example, the story line shows us a great deal of contrast between the city of Athens
and the forest. Everyday occurrences take place in Athens while Shakespeare creates a
dreamlike existence in the woods. You can discover one central theme by asking yourself,
what does this juxtaposition between everyday life and magic show us? The mechanicals
also present the same theme; therefore, you can figure out this theme by asking yourself
why is the illusion of the mechanicals' play so important? Why are their ambitions so
important? Also, Puck presents another central theme, especially in his famous line,
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!" (III.ii.116). We can figure out what theme Puck is
representing by asking ourselves what things he is seeing that he thinks are foolish
behaviors? Also, why is this comment important?

You can do something
similar for symbolism. Shakespeare certainly does make use
of some symbolism, which is primarily seen in recurring motifs. Nature is especially a
recurring motif in the play. We frequently see references to the moon, the forest, and
especially the magical flower. The moon is mentioned by Theseus who is waiting for the
new moon in order to hold his wedding day with Hippolyta, as we see in his

happy days bring in
Another moon; but, O, methinks, how slow
old moon wanes! She lingers my desires.

The forest is
referred to as a place of escape, a place where Hermia and Helena bonded as children,
and now as a place where their friendship is being broken apart and, yet, also as a
place where the two couples unite.  Two questions that can help you explore the deeper
meaning behind the symbolism of this recurring imagery would be: What does both the full
and the new moon symbolize? How does the forest symbolize man's dual

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