Monday, December 14, 2015

Alexander Hamilton was a Federalist. How does his financial plan show this?

The Federalist Party believed in a Strong and active
Central or Federal Government.  Hamilton's financial plan demonstrated this by including
the following:

1.  Funding at part.  Hamilton purposed that
the government pay off it debts at face value plus interest (total of over 50 million
dollars).  This would establish credit for the nation.  Investors and maybe even other
countries would view us as a "good credit risk"  and be willing to loan us

2.  Assumption- The federal government would assume
all of the states' debts.  This would ensure that the wealthy would work to make sure
the nation succeeded.  That way they would be guaranteed to get their money back.  This
would also make the states more loyal and dependant on the federal

3.  Founded the National Mint- to coin a
national currency

4.  Created the Bank of the United
States- to run the financial programs.

5.  Created Revenue
for the government in the form of duties and excise

All of these actions created a stronger more active
central government which is exactly what the Federalists wanted

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