Sunday, December 6, 2015

Shakespeare said tragedy is more the result of the waste of good than the result of evil. How does this idea relate to the play?Macbeth by William...

Shakespeare's character of Macbeth certainly illustrates
the tragic waste of nobility and goodness in a character.  For, in the beginning of the
play, Macbeth, Macbeth has gained recognition for himself as a
warrior, and is praised by King Duncan as a "valiant cousin" and "Worthy gentleman"
after the Captain describes Macbeth's deeds:


For brave Macbeth--well he deserves that

Disdaining fortune, with his brandished

Which smoked with bloody

Like valor's minion carved out his

Till he faced the

Which nev'r shook hands, nor bade farewell to

Till he unseamed him from the nave to

And fixed his head upon our battlements.

Tempted by the
witches who call him his new title of Than of Cawdor, but then say he will be "King
hereafter," Macbeth feels himself lured by the phantasmagoric realm. Unsettled by the
temptation of power, on the visit of Duncan to his castle, Macbeth yet reminds himself
of his kinship to Duncan, whose host he is; he considers the goodness and virtue of the
king, who has made humble use of his power.  That he should kill this noble king for no
valid reasons Macbeth himself states,


this Duncan

Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath

So clear in his geat office, that his virtuesWill
plead like angels trumpet-tongued against

The deep
damnation of his taking-off;...

...I have not

To prick the sides of my intent, but


so, it is this "vaulting ambition," this cupidity of Macbeth, which causes him to
abandon his noble nature and succumb to Lady Macbeth's attacks upon his manhood to make
him slay King Duncan and fulfill the predictions of the preternatural three
sisters, thus giving himself over to the powers of evil.

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