Tuesday, December 29, 2015

What style of narration was used in the story "The Lost Beautifulness" by Anzia Yezierska?

One part of the narrative style used in writing is the
point of view. In Anzia Yezierska's short story "The Lost Beautifulness," the story is
told from the third person point of view,

Another aspect of the narrative style is the
"voice" adopted by the writer. This style of voice can be seen initially in the story's
title. We would probably write, the loss of beauty, but "beautifulness" is part of the
broken English the main character, Hanneh, uses as she

Adopting this kind of voice brings the reading
audience into Hanneh's world, a place that seems more realistic in that it is told with
Hanneh's words, and with her voice.

This helps develop
another important component of the narrative style: strong characterization. Hanneh is a
forceful, fully developed character who is passionate about everything, including the
love she has for her son, her appreciation for beautiful things in a life that holds
little beauty for her, and for the concept of democracy, which she has learned about
from Mrs. Preston.

This form of narrative style develops
the plot with the use of clearly presented exposition, rising action, a climax, falling
action, and resolution. It contains all the basic elements of short fiction, including
things such as conflict and setting, among other elements, some of which are listed

The narrative style used here is the
"fiction-writing mode." In this mode, the author "recounts" events that are fictitious
but often sound very real. The story speaks to the author's audience, imparting ideas
and themes which he/she feels compelled to share.

The story
"The Lost Beautifulness" has a strong message, but its structural integrity comes from
the author's ability to successfully and adroitly implement the elements of the
narrative style.

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