Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How are "The Monkey's Paw" and "The Third Wish" plot lines similar?possibly include: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action?

"The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs and "The Third Wish" by
Joan Aiken are two stories which obviously share several plot

In terms of exposition, each story has a
perfectly content protagonist who is simply doing a normal thing--playing chess and
driving.  The inciting action is also similar, in that each protagonist is suddenly and
unexpectedly given the ability to make wishes that come true.  The rising acting is not
as similar, in that the monkey's paw is bringing bad luck and the leaves given by the
swan are bringing good luck.  The climax/turning point is similar, as a death is
involved.  The falling action is not particularly similar, nor is the

While the two works have points of
similarities, of course, the major difference between the two can be found more in the
tone and mood of the stories.  "The Monkey's Paw" is much darker and more sinister, as
demonstrated first by the setting.  The weather is foul, the visitor is somewhat
mysterious, as is the legend of the paw.  Despite the auspiciousness of getting to make
wishes come true, tragic things are clearly ahead.  In contrast, "The Third Wish" reads
more like a fairy tale which has magical and romantic elements, and the tragedy is more
mournful and sad than awful and horrific.  Clearly the themes are different, as

It's interesting to make the comparison because the
idea of wishes is unique enough to merit it; however, the stories are probably more
different than alike. 

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