Sunday, August 5, 2012

If you were a jury, what would be your thoughts during and after the trial in To Kill a Mockingbird?

As a jury member during the trial of Tom Robinson, I would
have been impressed with the approach Atticus Finch took to maintain Robinson's
innocence.  Finch did an excellent job of ensuring that the points he made were easily
understood by all of those on the jury, as well as the community members who made up the
large audience crowding the courtroom.  Throughout the trial, Atticus Finch remained
kind and courteous and never seemed to "lose his cool;" his calm demeanor served to
emphasis the inappropriateness and crudeness with which Bob Ewell (and occassionally
Mayella) presented himself.  The respectful manner used by Finch to address all of those
around him revealed his intelligence and professionalism, which could easily have had
some influence on the way that jury members viewed the facts and suppositions of the

Mr. Gilmer was clearly an intelligent, capable
attorney.  Although the outcome of the trial indicates that jury members did not
recognize his lack of evidence condeming Tom Robinson, the reader should note that
Gilmer uses his cleverness and abilities to actually cast a shadow of doubt on the
sincerity and honesty of the Ewells' story.  For example, Mr. Gilmer does question
Mayella Ewell, but also ends his time by mocking and making light of Mayella's supposed
(bad acting?!) fear of Atticus Finch.


Mr. Gilmer called attention to the hot day by
wiping his head with his hand.  "That's all for the time being," he said pleasantly,
"but you stay there.  I expect big bad Mr. Finch has some questions to ask

Gilmer's humorous
comments were probably intended to cause the jury to recognize the ridiculousness of her
attitudes and actions, as well as to fail to take her seriously.

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