Monday, January 21, 2013

In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, where did Faber think the solution to the world's problems could be found?

Faber, from the book Fahrenheit 451,
believed that the solutions to the world's problems could all be found in books. The basis of Ray
Bradbury's novel is to imagine a society where free and independent thought is frowned upon, and
even punished. One of the ways in which this is manifested is by making books illegal. In
Bradbury's society, the firemen do not put out fires, but instead they START fires, raiding homes
where books are being secretly housed and setting fire to the books, symbolically showing how
free thinking is also discouraged.

Faber believes that the problems
in the world started after books were banned, so books must have all the answers. Since Faber
himself is a fireman, he has been a first-hand witness to people losing most of their
possessions, and in one instance, a woman's life, simply for the sake of hiding books. He
realizes there must be something to this.

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