Monday, October 21, 2013

Can someone please tell me the description of the bunkhouse at the beginning of Chapter 2?I'm supposed to draw a picture for my English class and I...

Hi Idek,

The bunkhouse
describes the squalid living conditions migrant workers faced during the Great Depression, the
era the book is based in. Here are some of the features

  1. It's a long, rectangular building; three of its
    walls have windows, and one has just a door.

  2. The walls are
    whitewashed, and the floor is unpainted.

  3. There are 8 bunks

  4. An apple box is nailed above each bed; the opening of the
    box faces forward, so that the top and bottom act as shelves for the men's personal

  5. There is a table in the middle of the room, with
    boxes as chairs.

  6. There's a black cast-iron stove near one wall -
    it's flue (pipe) goes up through the roof.

If you want
to get a great grade, here are some extra details:

  1. Of the
    8 bunks, 5 are made up with blankets, the other three with just burlap ticking on

  2. In the apple box above George's bunk, there is a can of
    powder to get rid of bugs - presumably because the bunkhouse harbors fleas and/or lice - although
    Candy (the "swamper" who cleans the bunkhouse) denies this.

  3. There
    are playing cards scattered all over the table.

luck with your drawing!

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