Sunday, October 27, 2013

In "The Most Dangerous Game", what are seven adjectives that are used to describe the setting?

You do well to focus on the setting as a key component of
this great and exciting short story. You need to remember that in a sense, Ship-Trap
Island, as Zaroff has called his abode, is created by Zaroff as an environment that will
lure sailors to it so they will be shipwrecked and then can be used as prey by him for
his own enjoyment and satisfaction.

For example, Zaroff has
planted lights to draw ships to the island. Note what he says about

indicate a channel," he said, "where there's none; giant rocks with razor edges crouch
like a sea monster with wide-open jaws. They can crush a ship as easily as I crush this

So, if you think about
the setting, it has deliberately been created to be deceptive. It is very dangerous and
misleading as it draws sailors in to have their boats crushed. These are the key aspects
about the island as it is described by Zaroff - you can go back and read the story now
and find more descriptions you can use. Good luck!

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