Saturday, October 26, 2013

In Hamlet, Hamlet kept on delaying his revenge. What were the the tragic outcomes that occurred?

Hamlet's delayed revenge is the entire premise of the play
itself.  If he had enacted revenge upon his uncle immediately, then the play wouldn't
exist. However, because he says he wants to confirm that his uncle is actually the
killer first, he delays.  Then, when he knows that his uncle did it, and has the chance
to kill him while praying, he doesn't, saying he wants to wait until his uncle is doing
something evil, to gurantee his soul goes to hell once dead.  Interesting reasoning,
which could be passed off as cowardice, but, nonetheless, Hamlet does

  • His delay sets off a huge chain reaction
    that leads mostly to the death of everyone that he knows and

  • His delay allowed Claudius to
    scheme with Laertes about killing Hamlet; that scheming led to Laertes, the queen,
    Claudius AND Hamlet all dying.  If Hamlet had killed his uncle before this point, the
    entire poison scheme wouldn't have arisen, and they would have

  • His delay made Claudius
    suspicious; hence, he and Polonius use Ophelia as a spy to figure out what he is up to. 
    This manipulation leads to the further alienation of his relationship with Ophelia,
    plunging her further into depression.

reactions are all the major events of the play, all caused by his delay to enact
revenge.  I hope that helped; good luck!

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