Thursday, December 19, 2013

Describe the main characters in "A Rose for Emily."

years, she is described as a short, "fat woman in black" who used an ebony cane. She appeared
bloated, with "haughty black eyes," and her hair eventually turned "iron-grey." In her younger
days, she had sported a "slender figure," as seen in the picture with her father. After he died,
she cut her hair short for a time in the style of a young

EMILY'S FATHER. There is no real
description of him in the story, only the mention of the picture with his daughter in which he is
portrayed in silhouette, holding a horsewhip.

. The visiting Yankee foreman of a construction company, Homer is described
as a "big, dark, ready man, with a big voice and eyes lighter than his face." He loved to tell
stories, enjoyed the company of men, and became very popular with those he got to know. He was
often seen wearing a hat and yellow gloves and smoking a cigar.

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