Tuesday, December 31, 2013

How does the following quote show that Shylock is a villain?To bait fish withal. If it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge..... Act 3,...

In order to see how this shows that he is a villain, just
think of what Shylock is saying in this scene.  Think about how nasty and vengeful it
makes him look.

In this line, he is answering Salerio. 
Salerio is asking him, basically, why he doesn't just take money instead of demanding
the pound of flesh that Antonio owes him.  Salerio asks him what he's going to do with a
pound of flesh anyway.

At this point, Shylock speaks the
lines you cite.  Basically, he's saying "I don't care what I do with it.  I'll use it
for bait if I want.  The whole point is that I'm going to get

So what does that say about Shylock?  It says that
(at least in this instance) he is a nasty and vengeful man.  He'll risk killing Antonio
to get his revenge even if the revenge will mean that he gets no tangible benefit from
the deal (like money).

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