Sunday, December 29, 2013

What is noteworthy about the description of Usher’s house?"The Fall of the House of Usher" by Edgar Allan Poe

Since Edgar Allan Poe insisted that his short stories had a
single effect, the description of the house at the beginning of "The Fall of the House of Usher"
is, indeed, noteworthy. For one thing, it becomes apparent that the house is personified somewhat
as the narrator describes the "vacant eyelike windows." This personification of the windows is
not unlike the description of Roderick Usher, who has a "luminousness of ...eye [that] had
utterly gone out" and who also "stares about him." Later in the story, the narrator also
describes Roderick,

eyes were bent fixedly before him, and throughout his whole countenance there reigned a stony

Along with the description
of the windows, there are other parallels between the Usher's house and the Usher family. For
instance, the macbre setting of the white trunks of decaying trees, the rotting mansion, and the
bleak walls and interior gloom are synonymous with the Ushers, "the last of the ancient race" and
their family tree that has no "enduring branch," as well as the white, deathlike appearance of
Roderick Usher, not to mention his sister Madeline, who has become a cadaver. And, then, as
Roderick deteriorates into madness and Madeline is resurrected to wreak destruction, the house,
too, which has a great fissure, crumbles and falls itself, thus completing the parallels and the
double entendre of the title "The Fall of the House of Usher."

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