Sunday, December 8, 2013

How does Chopin use the many ironies to remarkable effect and depth in "The Story of an Hour"?

[Because other questions have already been asked to enumerate
the ironies in Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour," your two-part question was reduced to this
one (see the links below). Since only one question may be asked at a time, and since it needs to
be a fresh question, this part was chosen.]

Kate Chopin's
magnificent use of irony and symbolism lend great meaning to her very brief short story. Here are
some ways in which Chopin puts these ironies to use to create a meaning that is more significant
than it appears.

  • "A heart trouble" that Mrs. Mallard has
    leads the reader to believe that she is somewhat of an invalid rather than a terribly repressed
    and anxious woman. So, when her heart beats rapidly with joy with her realization that she is at
    last "free," the reader understands that Mrs. Mallard instead is the frail victim of
    circumstances rather than genetics.

  • Mrs. Mallard's "sudden, wild
    abandonment" with which she has wept is not from sorrow, but from the "abandonment" of Victorian

  • As she climbs the stairs, Mrs. Mallard is "pressed
    down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul" is ironic
    because it is not grief, but repression in a patriarchal society that wears upon Mrs.

  • When the sob comes "into her throat and shook her, as a
    child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams," Mrs. Mallard is releasing
    emotion rather than mourning for her husband. She is overcome with the prospect of getting her
    individual life back.

  • As Mrs. Mallard waits fearfully for the
    "thing that was approaching to possess her" as she sits in her chair looking out the window, she
    "strives to beat it back with her will" as though she does not wish to accept it. But, in
    actuality, her fear is that it is too good to be true, not that it is terrifying in itself. For,
    as she says the words "free, free, free!" the "look of terror that had followed it" goes from her
    eyes. Ironically, her pulses beat and her flowing blood "warmed and relaxed every inch of her

  • She knows that she will cry, ironically, when she sees
    Bentley Mallard in the coffin because she has loved him. However, because she "saw beyond that
    bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely," Louise
    Mallard herself dies.

  • Louise Mallard has "a brief moment of
    illumination" as she ponders the fact that she can live for herself: "There would be no powerful
    will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to
    impose a private will upon a fellow-creature." Ironically, the mere reappearance of Bentley
    Mallard "imposes" upon Louise Mallard so much that she

  • Before she leaves her room, Louise Mallard drinks in the
    "very elixir of life through the open window"; She hopes that life "might be long." However, as
    she moves to the top of the stairs, death waits for her.

  • Louise
    Mallard "carries herself unwittingly like a goddes of Victory"; yet, in a moment she is
    vanquished by the appearance of Mr. Mallard.

  • After she descends
    the stairs, Mrs. Mallard dies "of heart disease--of joy that kills." It is the sudden theft of
    her joy, the disease of repression, that stops the heart of Louise

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